Our Services
Our services are customized and we treat each client on an individual basis, so before recommending any of our water treatment products we visit the site to analyse all of the pertinent waters so that we may blend a product, which will carry out the necessary function to control scale, corrosion or biological growth.
Once service has been initiated Mitco visits the plant to carry out the pertinent analyses to make sure that maximum benefit is being derived from our program. It is due to this service acumen that Mitco remains intimately involved with the client and their water treatment needs.
Please contact us today, we will be happy to visit with you to provide you with the right solutions for your cooling water needs.
- Process Water Treatment
- Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Biocides
- Filtration
- Disinfection & Purification
- Chemical Dosing Systems
- Residential
Boiler water Treatment
- Cooling Tower Treatment
- Chill Water Treatment
- RO Membrane Treatment
Water Treatment Plants
- Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Clarification Chemicals
- Filtration Media and Regeneration chemicals
- Sequestering Chemicals
- Biocides
- pH adjustment chemicals
pH adjustment chemicals
Sediment, Carbon and Softener filtration systems
- Iron Removal Units
- Electrical Deionizer and Mix bed deionizer
- Reverse Osmosis Units
- Membranes, Cartridges and filtration bags
- Microfiltration units
Gas Chlorinators
- Chlorine Tablet Feeder
- Ozone Generators
- Ultra Voilet Sterilization System
Chemical dosing pumps and repairs Kits
- Chemical dosing controllers
- Solenoid Valves
Home filtration system
- Water dispensers